söndag 28 september 2014

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forest Fairy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you don't feel llike reading this and just want to look at the pictures just scroll down ^-^

I have been feeling really depressed lately. I'm trying to stay active and do things instead of just going into total shutdown so yesterday we went out in the forest to forage for materials for a little project, which if it works out I will show in another blogpost!
The fresh air was really nice and chilly and there weren’t too many people around. The smell of autumn is the best isn't it? I love the smell of leaves and the freshness that always seems to be there in autumn. I love the feeling you get on your nose and cheeks when it's a little chilly and only those parts of you somehow gets a little cold! Seems a little strange that someone that can't stand the cold like me likes that feeling but I really do! Everything feels so fresh and clear and I love that! Even thought my boyfriend joked a lot and said that the fresh smell actually was the smell of things rotting.. But I know he is joking because he actually likes it too~
 We got a nice walk and quickly found the materials needed. Since we were going out I had dressed up and since it was the forest we were going to I dressed up as a fairy~ I absolutely loved my outfit yesterday and decided to take some pictures while I was actually feelig good about myself!
The photoshoot was really fun and we didn't stop until the camera died! We got 245 pictures! I liked only around 30 of those but still it was nice to actually get some nice pictures now that I was feeling so crappy, I really felt like a cute foresty fairy! Not a sparkly one that I usually likes to look like.. But I do enjoy toning it down abit sometimes because I do love the forest <3

Anyways that was my day yesterday and it was a pretty good one even if I cried and was scared and anxious and even if I probably got a little of a cold now and even if my body hurt afterwards. It was still a nice day!
The whole thing wasn't planed so I have no makeup whatsoever and my face looks really bare but I still wanted to share the pictures we took! When I get a job I will find a better camera and buy a stand of some kind so we can take pictures together instead of boyfriend just being behind the camera~ <3

Here comes the pictuers! 

And here is two extra pictures! We were in the forest so ofcourse there was mosqitous and boyfriend took pictures all the time so he got pictures of me getting the mosqitou and then being grossed out at the dead crushed mosqitou stuck to my hand!

We laughed so much at my facial expression!! Oh god such ugly much horrible >////<

Anyways thank you for looking if you did and please say what you think! I'm trying to improve at this whole modelling thing and boyfriend has improved so much at phototaking but we still both want any tips and tricks we can get! ^///^
Thank you and have a lovely day in the pretty autumn weather <3

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